Welcome to the Web3 Blog

This is a personal dApp project where you can create and read blog posts. Metadata is stored on IPFS, and the IPFS CID is stored on-chain. The application runs on the Sepolia testnet as it is a modest proof of concept only to practice web3.

To create a post, connect your wallet via MetaMask with some SepoliaETH. Reading posts is accessible without a wallet connection.

Feel free to create any posts even useless ones just to give it a try!

If you need SepoliaETH, create a wallet via MetaMask and use the faucet:https://cloud.google.com/application/web3/faucet/ethereum/sepolia

Project Infrastructure and Technologies

This project is built with a focus on decentralization and modern web technologies:


Developed using Typescript with Next.js 15 and Material-UI (MUI) for a dynamic user interface.


Smart contracts are written in Solidity and deployed using Hardhat on the Sepolia testnet.


Utilizes IPFS with the Kubo client for decentralized storage of metadata.


The application is containerized using Docker and deployed on a VPS (via CI/CD pipelines). The VPS runs an IPFS node.

Open Source Collaboration

As an open-source project, feedbacks are welcome! Feel free to explore the codebase and report issues or share thoughts.

Built with ❤️ by Rael CALITRO